Sunday, May 19, 2024

Any Thing at All

 -me looking like Christian Paredes. Tallish, largish muscles, dark brown hair, handsome, tan, mostly hairless body. Hair at back in a ponytail down to knees. The ponytail like my tongue

-in about 1993 I was lying in bed at night. I felt something in my throat like I was choking. For some reason I was naked. I ran to the bathroom. I ran past my grandparents' bedroom, they were in bed but said nothing

-I spat out my TONGUE without blood or pain. I somehow pressed it through the bathroom sink grate whole. Then straight away I had a new tongue in my throat. All without pain

-my TONGUE like the black THONG costume I wear looking like Christian gives me the power to do almost any THING

-I might have been splits of me coming out looking like Christian. Fighting crime, doing miracles, and having sex. Since 1993 when my tongue came out. I ran naked like my costume of only a thong

-the circular metal grate of the bathroom sink

-like the Death Star of Star Wars. Two people each trapped in Darth Vader armors made to work for Space Army Empires. Jenette Kahn. The grate looks like the old DC Comics logo. And the local man who looks like JUGHEAD. And was the SPOTIFY Internet shot

-the circular metal grate. Like my slide I have of me as a toddler. Standing showing me in full standing naked. Like me running to the bathroom. I might have been in my grandparents' garden at MAXWELL Drive

-with the tongue going down well shaped grate I lose this miracle power. The round grate like a Wishing Well

-I suddenly have the TONGUE back in my throat. Maybe my 'Christian Paredes' looking body identical to him in his Fitness Add. I get a new body looking like him. The TONGUE. I get the exceptional Messiah like personality I saw in him in the magazine add

-the tongue back in my real body maybe meaning this is my real body one day. With a ponytail down my back to my knees. I lose my miracle powers and maybe gain my list of about 12 super hero powers. But in my real body for full use

-years ago about the same year. Maybe about 2010. I found two really long black hairs. One on my dinner plate while I was eating. The other on my bed cover. Maybe saying I get the Christian body and powers. My hair by then right down to the back of my knees

-the THONG. Like the SLING David used. Maybe I have the same personality as him. A sling against Goliath like I have incredible miracle power

Saturday, May 18, 2024


-in the 1990s I would watch the nightly US TV News Show Hard Copy. The Presenter once read the fictional headline-'actor ANDREW SHUE's wife Elizabeth Shue left him for actor Val KILMER'

-Andrew and Elizabeth are brother and sister and both actors

 -I KILLED Paul Longley

-I KILL MESSIAH- have the abilities of the MESSIAH like in Jesus Christ

-my costume a black Thong

-like to say I have had a lot of affairs. KILLING the MISTER in men

-I look exactly like CHRISTIAN / MESSIAH / MISTER

-about 1983 my friends at High School were playing HAND BALL with a TENNINS BALL

-Brendan Kilmister was passing by. The tennis ball hit his black leather jacket and he FLICKED it off with his hand

-I made a joke

-a friend Brent Legatt / Brendan Kilmister said 'You can't grow a ball. You're just trying to be like Paul Longley

-like I killed Paul Longley. The edited bully in the High School Archie line. Like Jesus Christ MESSIAH might be the villain of Days of our Lives

-You can't grow a ball. I sleep around as Christian Paredes. Maybe already splits of me are coming out around space

-I never liked the Spectre costume. This costume I do

-the THONG maybe meaning I can do any THING

-one day in the local Psych Ward in 2010 at a lower time. I somehow got a lot of ANTS in my sheets

-the phase Ants in You're Pants. Meaning bursting to do something. Maybe the ants in my sheets mean I get the Christian body and powers later. Maybe in my real body

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Creation Ample

 -CORRIGAN sounds like CREATION abilities


-SAMPLER sounds like AMPLE power

-today I get delivered Showcase Spectre. 500 pages of 1960s and 1970s stories

-my earliest memory. Like the start or Creation of things. Coming in to live in our new home for the first time in JAMES COOK Street

-I once had a book on Prophet Nostradamus. It had an illustration depicting the Anti-Christ and False Prophet

-the Anti-Christ looked like the Wizard in Oz books like me. The False Prophet was tall with a cloak and hood like the Spectre

-the book wound up in the bookcase of the lounge of my Support Home



-like a lot of my miracle ideas revolve around creating homes and landscapes

-today the book was delivered. I flicked through it. When I was very young once I saw in our lounge a book of rhymes. It was large, hardcover, old and sinister looking. I don't know why my grandparents would have had it

-it had the rhyme Who Shot Cock Robin? Not I said the. Not I said the. Not I said the etc



-SHOT Jim Corrigan was a Cop

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 -probably decades ago near my grandparents' home I was standing by the Main Road

-across the Road was a CHEMIST / PHARMACY

-right by about the store the man looking like Watcher / Walter Disney bought me the book of Disney stories

-the Chemist might have been called something like 

-Jim Aker or Jim Atkin

-JIM now I see fits in with Jim Dowling and Jim Corrigan / Spectre




-like maybe the man maybe connected to me 'appearing' that time looking like Walt Disney is clueing me with this

-near the back of the Chemist across the Road

-was a man about the right height. Standing shoeless. His hair a bit like me

-about the length of 2 / 3 down the sides of his face. And partly sticking out like a PYRAMID

-like the book the man bought me was Published by PARRAGON

-I tried making Walt Disney and an ancient Egyptian 'PHAROAH' style woman my parents

-using a thin fawn colored stick shaped like a Shepherd's Crook. That I drew images of them out in my backyard garden where I have tried to grow TO MAT OES. Away from where the plant that gives me my miracle power. And the shape of that Crook like part of the Parragon logo



-I wondered if he worked there

-whatever the man I saw was may have been meant to be like a reflection of me 

-I once saw an old photo of my grandfather as a Soldier in WW2. He was in EGYPT swimming in the sea. The water up around him. He had one FOOT raised above the sea top

-I have had a slightly sore spot on the under of one of my feet

-maybe I can use this like reflection. And JIM's Pharmacy

-to give me the exact looking appearance as Christian Paredes had in his Fitness Add. And the same Messiah like personality I saw in him

-as if saying David the Shepherd and King was like that


 -in the late 1980s I briefly did work for my relative JIM 'Dawling / Dowling'

-as in JIM Corrigan or JAMES Cook

-I filled bottles of alcohol at the ROSE 'n' FERN Pub

-I only did a few hours a couple of times a week

-I once saw in TV Soap an Australian magazine in the early 1990s

-a cast photo of DAYS of our LIVES

-maybe referring to in comics the Spectre is a GHOST

-it was a big cast shot. They were standing on RISING / ROSE long plank seats 

-there was a cast member in the photo who looked just like my relative Jim

-there was never that actor in that series or anywhere else

-the actor only appearing to me seeing him that time. Like the Spectre is a ghost


-ROSE N FERN- like I tried to send out a channel by minds of DAYS of our LIVES / DAWLING about me

-I tried to use a maybe imagined trip way out in the country

-to a small oval shaped mountain. All of the top covered in a RESTAURANT / ROSE N FERN

-maybe I tried to destroy completely Paul Longley. Somehow this is connected to the ghost Spectre

-the mountain had a Biblical look to it

-DOWLING like a Bride's family giving the husband's family a gift

-and maybe my Inheritance securing my home / DWELLING

Man 'O' Man

 -in 1994 I briefly went to a Gym

-these people might have been having me on

-there was a Gym Instructor I saw working in there a few times

-named BUDDY. Short, largish muscles, black hair. Slightly cheap looking

-he looked just the same as the winner of Australian TV Game Show

-Man 'O' Man

-who was also named Buddy

-Buddy and Buddy. Like the Married with Children character based on me Bud Bundy

-BILLY Batson

-he was working out on a ROWING Machine. Like the J. K. ROWLING Wizard books

-he was talking to three men working out behind him

-he said 

-'With the money I get from this place'

-like I just Inherited $780, 000

-and plan to redo my home

-my home that gives me my miracle powers

-maybe meaning with my $780, 000 Inheritance. It really means I could do just about anything with my power

-on the facing wall mirroring this

-a large man working out. Not overweight but large muscles. Tall, black hair bald on top and shoulder length at the back. Wearing a singlet and long sweat pants

-he looked sort of evil. Like a fallen Captain Marvel

-BUDDY. And BILLY Batson is Captain Marvel

-by the man were several about 14 year old boys. They looked like they were admiring someone Biblical who had fallen

-the Hosts of Man 'O' Man




 -I recently Inherited $780, 000

-meaning some of my main worries are over. Even if the local city turns really hostile or my problems get bad

-I don't need to have a Flat Mate. Which I could never find on my own and most are problems

-and I need never work, study or look for work

-which would always make a tough life for me

-I can live on my Inheritance

-and with some of my money I can redo my home. Pay for really needed repairs. And reoutfit the place

-maybe my earliest memory of coming in to live in our new home for the first time. And my home that gives me my miracle power. My home where I am now secure in and might be able to live her for life

-my home's garden gives me my miracle power

-maybe me Inheriting $780, 000 and me trying to set up in me Spectre

-maybe as 'Spectre' my miracle power is about limitless

Any Thing at All

 -me looking like Christian Paredes. Tallish, largish muscles, dark brown hair, handsome, tan, mostly hairless body. Hair at back in a ponyt...